Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Attention Future Bible Scholars of America,

It has finally arrived. Yes, that's right. You can now play BIBLE CLASS JEOPARDY on your own, for fun and profit. Click on the link below to access the website.

Before you do, however, have you started planning your essays for the final exam? Click here to get started.

Click here for Jeopardy!

Click here to email Mr. Settecase with a question. 

Final Exam: Essays

On the final exam, you will need to write a five-paragraph essay. Your two options are below. Only one choice will be on the actual test, so you must outline both of them before the test. You should then memorize your outline, and come to the test ready to write it. You may not bring your outline to the final exam.

Answer the following questions using five paragraphs. Your answer must include five full paragraphs. That's five.

1. Outline a five-point plan of salvation, using information from the Letter to the Romans and other New Testament books.

2. James 2:26 says, "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." What does this mean? Are people saved by faith or by works?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Final Exam Review 10: Revelation

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. When Revelation was written, was it "safe" to be a Christian in the Roman empire? What were Christians going through?
2. Why did John use symbolism to hide the meaning of his message when he wrote Revelation? From whom was he trying to hide its meaning?
3. There are two different dates for when Revelation could have been written. Do you remember what they are?

4. To what island was John exiled?

5. Into how many different parts or "plays" can Revelation be divided? Describe each of these "plays."
6. Draw a picture of where the first major vision of Revelation took place. Include enough details to make it clear where it is.

7. How did the Roman empire view their ruler, the Caesar? Draw a picture of what this would have looked like.

8. Draw the four creatures John saw in his vision. Label each one, and say what they symbolize.


  1. In his vision of the Throne Room, the author of Revelation sees four living creatures. Which of the following was not one of those creatures?
    1. Lion
    2. Camel
    3. Eagle
  2. True or false: the seven-horned, seven-eyed lamb symbolizes the Antichrist.
    1. True
    2. False
  3. True or false: the author’s vision of 144,000 sealed for God takes place in heaven (not on earth).
    1. True
    2. False
  4. Which of the following is not a major theme of the book of Revelation
a.       Justice will ultimately prevail
b.      Good will ultimately triumph over evil
c.       Most believers will ultimately abandon their faith.
d.     Evil will ultimately be punished.
Meaning Match
Match each of the following symbols from Revelation with their appropriate meaning.

1.       3
2.       4
3.       7
4.       12
5.       White
6.       Red
7.       Black
8.       Pale
9.       Beasts
10.   Lamb
11.   Lion
12.   Eagle
13.   Oxen
14.   Horns
a.   World of the spirit
b.    Related to rule
c.   World of creation
d.   Superior
e.   Perfection/completion
f.   Superior
g.   Israel/God’s people
h.   Kingly
i.   Victory
j.   Sacrificial
k.   Power, blood, war
l.   Related to Satan
m.   Suffering, famine
n.   Death

Final Exam Review 10: James

Each of the following statements are FALSE. Figure out why they are false. Some statements have multiple mistakes. Circle the errors in each statement and FIX THEM!

1. James wrote the Book of James. James is an Apostle and son of Aphaeus.
2. James was the church leader in the city of Ephesus.
3. The first audience of the Book of James were Gentile Christians experiencing persecution in Rome.
4. James is mainly focused on what a Christian should believe about God, rather than how to act out one's faith.
5. The Old Testament book that the James is most similar to is Psalms. James contains long, foolish songs for teaching people how to live a sinful life.

Final Exam Review 9: Hebrews

1. What is Hebrews' main concern regarding Jesus? What does Hebrews show about him?
2. What type of writing does Hebrews resemble? Does Hebrews have all the characteristics thereof?
3. True or false: the first audience of Hebrews was doing great in their faith, and did not need any help or anything. (If false, explain why).

4. Hebrews uses a lot of Old Testament quotations to prove that Jesus has what religious position (in heaven)?

Match the following items with the definitions or descriptions below.
a.            High Priest          b. Melchizedek                 c. A cloud of witnesses 
1.       _____A list of heroes from the Hebrew Scriptures who serve as models for Christian faith.
2.       _____A priest of mysterious origin in Genesis who, according to Hebrews, foreshadowed Jesus and his priestly role.
        3.      _____This person was essentially the first among equals and came to hold much authority with the    Israelite     people.

IMPORTANT FACT: The books of James, Peter, John, and Jude are not addressed to individuals. They are written to the church as a whole.

Final Exam Review 8: The Personal Letters of Paul

The following questions refer to the epistles which Paul wrote to his friends, Timothy and Philemon.

1. What issues are addressed in a "pastoral" letter?
2. What was Timothy's relationship to Paul?

3. Outline the social structure in ancient Roman society, from the top all the way down to the bottom.

4. What does Paul say about women in the book of 1 Timothy?

5. How does Paul interpret the story of Adam and Eve's sin?

Final Exam Review 7: Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians

The following questions refer to Philippians, Colossians, and 1-2 Thessalonians.

1. Which letter sets out guidelines for living a godly life?

2. Which epistle is focuesd on living together in joy and reconciliation?

3. Which letters deals with the End Times and Last Judgment?

4. Which letter contains a hymn which provides most of the scriptural basis for the Christian understanding of Jesus (his pre-existence, and his relationship with God)?

5. In which letter does Paul use the metaphor of a foot race to describe the need for perseverance?