Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Final Exam Review 10: Revelation

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. When Revelation was written, was it "safe" to be a Christian in the Roman empire? What were Christians going through?
2. Why did John use symbolism to hide the meaning of his message when he wrote Revelation? From whom was he trying to hide its meaning?
3. There are two different dates for when Revelation could have been written. Do you remember what they are?

4. To what island was John exiled?

5. Into how many different parts or "plays" can Revelation be divided? Describe each of these "plays."
6. Draw a picture of where the first major vision of Revelation took place. Include enough details to make it clear where it is.

7. How did the Roman empire view their ruler, the Caesar? Draw a picture of what this would have looked like.

8. Draw the four creatures John saw in his vision. Label each one, and say what they symbolize.


  1. In his vision of the Throne Room, the author of Revelation sees four living creatures. Which of the following was not one of those creatures?
    1. Lion
    2. Camel
    3. Eagle
  2. True or false: the seven-horned, seven-eyed lamb symbolizes the Antichrist.
    1. True
    2. False
  3. True or false: the author’s vision of 144,000 sealed for God takes place in heaven (not on earth).
    1. True
    2. False
  4. Which of the following is not a major theme of the book of Revelation
a.       Justice will ultimately prevail
b.      Good will ultimately triumph over evil
c.       Most believers will ultimately abandon their faith.
d.     Evil will ultimately be punished.
Meaning Match
Match each of the following symbols from Revelation with their appropriate meaning.

1.       3
2.       4
3.       7
4.       12
5.       White
6.       Red
7.       Black
8.       Pale
9.       Beasts
10.   Lamb
11.   Lion
12.   Eagle
13.   Oxen
14.   Horns
a.   World of the spirit
b.    Related to rule
c.   World of creation
d.   Superior
e.   Perfection/completion
f.   Superior
g.   Israel/God’s people
h.   Kingly
i.   Victory
j.   Sacrificial
k.   Power, blood, war
l.   Related to Satan
m.   Suffering, famine
n.   Death

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